- kennisvanstadenregio
- Kennisdossiers
- Kennisdossier Bevolkingsdaling
- Publicaties over krimp (2022-2006)
- Dealing with the loss of the village supermarket: The perceived effects two years after closure
- Bevolkingsdaling: wat is het?
- Beleid voor bevolkingsdaling: een korte geschiedenis
2.1 De krimp bestrijden
2.2 Bewustwording: Eerste Actieplan Bevolkingsdaling – 2009
2.3 Programmering en uitvoering: Tweede Actieplan Bevolkingsdaling – 2016
2.4 Provincies
2.5 Gemeenten - Bevolkingsontwikkeling en prognoses
3.1 Inleiding
3.2 Drijvende krachten achter bevolkingsontwikkeling
3.3 Bevolkingsontwikkeling in Nederland
3.4 De zeggingskracht van prognoses
3.5 Onwaarschijnlijkheden en scenario’s
3.6 Conclusie - Ontwikkelingen per domein
4.1 Wonen
4.2 Gezondheid en zorg
4.3 Onderwijs
4.4 Regionale economie en arbeidsmarkt
4.5 Bereikbaarheid - Praktijkvoorbeelden
5.1 Aanpak huisartsentekort
5.2 Toekomstgericht bouwen in Biggekerke
5.3 Zelfrijdende shuttlebus bij Ommelander ziekenhuis
5.4 Toekomst wonen in Beltrum
5.5 Gefaseerde strategie voor de herontwikkeling van Rolduckerveld
Dealing with the loss of the village supermarket: The perceived effects two years after closure
In 2015, the local supermarket of the depopulating village of Ulrum closed its doors. After a first survey around the closure, a second survey was conducted two years later, to investigate changes in the different meanings of the local supermarket and the perceived effects of its closure over time. The results show that respondents state that the liveability and status of the village have decreased because of the loss of the supermarket. This strongly relates to the symbolic and village level meanings of the supermarket: A village ‘needs’ a supermarket for the villages’ status and as a place to do groceries, and people feel that a village without a supermarket is a village without a heart. The article concludes by alleging that the symbolic meaning of facilities plays an important role in explaining the perceived effects of the loss of the local supermarket.
- Lees verder (Socialogia Ruralis)